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10 Reasons Your Kid Needs Jiu Jitsu Classes


As a parent, you are always trying to enrich your child’s life. The activities your child pursues can build skills, forge lifelong bonds, and develop them into a stronger person. Kids Jiu Jitsu classes are among the best of these activities and represent a tremendous opportunity for growth and maturation.


Jiu Jitsu is Good for the Body

Jiu Jitsu is a great form of exercise. The best exercise is fun, social, and habitual. Developing skills in a Jiu Jitsu class involves aerobic and strength training while doing activities your child will enjoy.


Jiu Jitsu uses the whole body, and students of Jiu Jitsu will improve their athletic performance and physical health. Common jiu jitsu movements develop oft-ignored muscles in the back and core. Grappling also builds overall endurance and stamina. 


Jiu Jitsu Builds Emotional Resilience

Jiu Jitsu is fun, but it’s also challenging. Kids will experience the thrill of victory. Equally important, though, is learning how to cope with defeat. It’s crucial that kids engage in activities where progress is slow, and determination is essential for success. 


In Jiu Jitsu—and in life—you either win or you learn. Everyone who trains in Jiu Jitsu has setbacks and challenges, and each of these is an opportunity for growth. In Jiu Jitsu, you won’t win every roll. But you will gain the respect of even the strongest opponent through effort and determination. 


Jiu Jitsu Promotes Mental Health

Jiu Jitsu is a wonderful outlet for children. Intense exercise like Jiu Jitsu helps the body in the production of endorphins. Endorphins are important chemicals that your body generates to alleviate pain and stress. This natural boost to mood will help your child form a natural affinity for exercise and activity. 


In addition to an endorphin rush, Jiu Jitsu will also help your child build confidence. As a student of Jiu Jitsu grows more proficient, his confidence grows alongside his physical strength. Furthermore, Jiu Jitsu fosters a community among its practitioners. A committed student will have the respect and support of his classmates. 


Jiu Jitsu Bullyproofs Your Kid

Jiu Jitsu is the optimal self-defense system for children and adults. Students learn how to confront aggression, overcome size and strength disparities, and safely neutralize threats. Crucially, these physical skills empower young people to stick up for themselves whether or not a physical confrontation is necessary. Jiu Jitsu teaches students how to win a fight and the discipline to know whether or not force is required.


Jiu Jitsu is also a relatively safe form of self-defense. Jiu Jitsu emphasizes grounding your opponent and halting their attacks rather than inflicting damage. Students of Jiu Jitsu know how to minimize the risk of injury—not only to themselves but also to the aggressor. No other martial art can so completely neutralize a threat with so much control and precision. 


This emphasis on safety makes it unlikely that a student of Jiu Jitsu could be mistaken for the aggressor. 


Jiu Jitsu is the best way to keep your kid safe from physical danger and minimize the risk of getting in trouble.


Jiu Jitsu Builds Self-Confidence

Students will feel secure knowing that they can defend themselves. This also empowers a child to stand up to verbal bullying. Your child will have experience making friends in class, making it easier to branch out and build more relationships. 


Everyone hits plateaus in their progress with Jiu Jitsu occasionally. As your child fights through these challenges, he will realize his own potential for growth and improvement.


Jiu Jitsu Helps Kids Socialize and Make Friends

Jiu Jitsu is fun socialization for social butterflies and those who struggle to make friends. Jiu Jitsu will allow kids to bond through fun challenges and friendly competition. Even shy kids will develop strong bonds with his or her teammates. 


In Jiu Jitsu class, it is not a competition but a collaboration. All the students work together to reach their goals. This feeling of community and cooperation is essential to building friendships in every realm of life.


Jiu Jitsu Teaches You How to Reach Your Goals

Successful adults are distinguished by their ability to follow through and reach their goals. When your child is in Jiu Jitsu class, he will need to set goals for his own development. Jiu-Jitsu’s famous belt-and-stripe system helps kids measure their progress towards these goals. Having short and intermediate-term goals keeps them motivated along their journey.


Goal setting is a regular part of Jiu Jitsu. Students learn how to set realistic goals, work towards them, and achieve them. This process is among the most rewarding and empowering experiences offered by Jiu Jitsu. 


Most importantly, Jiu Jitsu teaches students that it takes work to reach a goal. They learn that the success they achieve is directly related to the work they put in.


Jiu Jitsu Cultivates Discipline

In Jiu Jitsu class, your child will learn to work hard and be patient. It takes time to develop Jiu Jitsu skills, and this process promotes patience and commitment. When a child tracks his own progress, he comes to value the reward on the other side of that process. These skills are essential to self-mastery and can help a child excel in every area of their life. 


Jiu Jitsu Fosters Humility

Jiu Jitsu is challenging because students constantly test their command of techniques against their teammates. Regular practice with opponents forces students into a realistic assessment of their own capabilities. 


Jiu Jitsu is anathema to the growth of ego, delusions of grandeur, or a false sense of security. Students must remain humble to succeed. Jiu Jitsu trains kids to honestly evaluate their efforts and skills based on whether they succeed in competition against their peers. It’s hard for kids to get such realistic feedback in a world where all teams or players get trophies just for showing up.


Jiu Jitsu Trains Kids to Solve Problems and Think Strategically

Jiu Jitsu is a highly-technical discipline. It teaches students to assess a situation, identify obstacles, and determine the best approach to come out on top. Over time, students learn how to anticipate their opponents’ actions and think two or three steps ahead. 


These skills are a necessity as students of Jiu Jitsu will often grapple with bigger, stronger, or faster opponents. In Jiu Jitsu, a student’s job is to figure out how to navigate those obstacles and overcome disadvantages successfully. Those lessons will be applicable to every area of life.


Training in Jiu Jitsu requires physical strength, emotional discipline, mental toughness, and spiritual commitment. There is almost unlimited potential to the inner strength that can be unlocked in this practice. Through Jiu Jitsu, your child will learn about the world, their peers, and most importantly themselves.

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